I never thought there could be loopholes to my challenge, I thought wrong. It turns out when a friend invites you to eat, it means you don't have to pay. With that said, I technically never spent a dime on food but enjoyed every glorious bite without the guilt. Earlier, my friend Victor called me asking if I wanted to go eat, and before I could even explain why I couldn't, he said my 3 favorite words. "It's on me". My eyes glimmered when he said that because I had been craving outside food. We went to Chick-Fil-A and I got the chicken sandwich. It almost looked like I made love to that sandwich with the way I devoured it but I regret nothing.

I wanted to beat temptation. Not be shackled by it. So I started doing some research to try and help myself. I ran into a TED talk while looking for inspirational videos on google and I found it pretty interesting.
It was about the human mind and how we are always tempted to do things we know are bad but we end up doing so anyways, only to end up regretting everything later. It connected with me really well because that's exactly what I go through when I spend money on food. It helped me a lot because I realize my future self would appreciate it more if I made the right choices instead of beating myself up for it in the future. I can now move through this challenge easier with high hopes for my future self.
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