Monday, October 30, 2017


So far, this challenge has been sort of worth it. I say that because for once, I have a little extra cash in my pocket, and that always feels good. But I also said sort of because I've been craving some damn carne aside fries for a while now.
Image result for carne asada fries

I was thinking about how much I use to spend on outside food, so I did some research. It turns out normal people, (unlike me) spend about $2787 a year on outside food. That's according to The Motley Fool. That didn't seem too bad. Until I did calculations on MY spendings. I was way off. As it  turns out, I spend about $5200 A YEAR!?
Image result for shook gif
Yeah that's right. That's like a whole down payment on a 2017 Subaru. I couldn't believe it was true. I even did my calculations over and over. I also found out it basically rounds to about $100 a week. $100 US dollars. 
I then reached a major turning point. I had found a new motivation, a new reason, a better way. I knew even after the challenge I had to somehow moderate myself. I couldn't back out now. I almost felt like if my money was looking at me with disappointment for just now realizing all of this.
Image result for mad money gif

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